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  1. Sposini, S. Caltabiano, G. Hanyaloglu, AC. Miele, R.
    “Identification of transmembrane domains that regulate spatial arrangements and activity of prokineticin receptor 2 dimers.”
    Mol Cell Endocrinol 399(0) 362–72
    Abstract PubMed Link

  2. Vinals, X. Moreno, E. Lanfumey, L. Cordomi, A. Pastor, A. de, La, Torre, R. Gasperini, P. Navarro, G. Howell, LA. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Canela, EI. McCormick, PJ. Maldonado, R. Robledo, P.
    “Cognitive Impairment Induced by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol Occurs through Heteromers between Cannabinoid CB1 and Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptors.”
    PLoS Biol 13(7) e10021–
    Abstract PubMed Link

  3. Rios, S. Fernandez, MF. Caltabiano, G. Campillo, M. Pardo, L. Gonzalez, A.
    “GPCRtm: An amino acid substitution matrix for the transmembrane region of class A G Protein-Coupled Receptors.”
    BMC Bioinformatics 16(0) 206–
    Abstract PubMed Link

  4. Matsoukas, MT. Aranguren-Ibanez, A. Lozano, T. Nunes, V. Lasarte, JJ. Pardo, L. Perez-Riba, M.
    “Identification of small-molecule inhibitors of calcineurin-NFATc signaling that mimic the PxIxIT motif of calcineurin binding partners.”
    Sci Signal 8(382) ra63–
    Abstract PubMed Link

  5. Cordomi, A. Ismail, S. Matsoukas, MT. Escrieut, C. Gherardi, MJ. Pardo, L. Fourmy, D.
    “Functional elements of the gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor: Comparison between secretin- and rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors.”
    Biochem Pharmacol 96(3) 237–46
    Abstract PubMed Link

  6. Molero, A. Vendrell, M. Bonaventura, J. Zachmann, J. Lopez, L. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Cortes, A. Albericio, F. Casado, V. Royo, M.
    “A solid-phase combinatorial approach for indoloquinolizidine-peptides with high affinity at D1 and D2 dopamine receptors.”
    Eur J Med Chem 97(0) 173–80
    Abstract PubMed Link

  7. Masia-Balague, M. Izquierdo, I. Garrido, G. Cordomi, A. Perez-Benito, L. Miller, NL. Schlaepfer, DD. Gigoux, V. Aragay, AM.
    “Gastrin-stimulated Galpha13 Activation of Rgnef Protein (ArhGEF28) in DLD-1 Colon Carcinoma Cells.”
    J Biol Chem 290(24) 15197–209
    Abstract PubMed Link

  8. Marsango, S. Caltabiano, G. Pou, C. Varela, Liste, MJ. Milligan, G.
    “Analysis of Human Dopamine D3 Receptor Quaternary Structure.”
    J Biol Chem 290(24) 15146–62
    Abstract PubMed Link

  9. Liste, MJ. Caltabiano, G. Ward, RJ. Alvarez-Curto, E. Marsango, S. Milligan, G.
    “The molecular basis of oligomeric organization of the human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor.”
    Mol Pharmacol 87(6) 936–53
    Abstract PubMed Link

  10. Cordomi, A. Navarro, G. Aymerich, MS. Franco, R.
    “Structures for G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Tetramers in Complex with G Proteins.”
    Trends Biochem Sci 40(10) 548–51
    Abstract PubMed Link

  11. Perea, M. Lugtenburg, I. Mayol, E. Cordomi, A. Deupi, X. Pardo, L. Olivella, M.
    “TMalphaDB and TMbetaDB: web servers to study the structural role of sequence motifs in alpha-helix and beta-barrel domains of membrane proteins.”
    BMC Bioinformatics 16(0) 266–
    Abstract PubMed Link

  12. Rosa, M. Caltabiano, G. Barreto-Valer, K. Gonzalez-Nunez, V. Gomez-Tamayo, JC. Arda, A. Jimenez-Barbero, J. Pardo, L. Rodriguez, RE. Arsequell, G. Valencia, G.
    “Modulation of the Interaction between a Peptide Ligand and a G Protein-Coupled Receptor by Halogen Atoms.”
    ACS Med Chem Lett 6(8) 872–6
    Abstract PubMed Link

  13. Simeon-Aznar, CP. Fonollosa-Pla, V. Tolosa-Vilella, C. Espinosa-Garriga, G. Campillo-Grau, M. Ramos-Casals, M. Garcia-Hernandez, FJ. Castillo-Palma, MJ. Sanchez-Roman, J. Callejas-Rubio, JL. Ortego-Centeno, N. Egurbide-Arberas, MV.
    “Registry of the Spanish Network for Systemic Sclerosis: Survival, Prognostic Factors, and Causes of Death.”
    Medicine (Baltimore) 94(43) e1728–
    Abstract PubMed Link

  14. Tapeinou, A. Matsoukas, MT. Simal, C. Tselios, T.
    “Review cyclic peptides on a merry-go-round; towards drug design.”
    Biopolymers 104(5) 453–61
    Abstract PubMed Link