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  1. Bassols, A. Bosch, F. Campillo, M. Canellas, M. Banos, JE.
    “An epidemiological comparison of pain complaints in the general population of Catalonia (Spain).”
    Pain 83(1) 9–16
    Abstract PDF PubMed Link

  2. Tabernero, A. Giraldo, J. Vila, E.
    “Modelling the changes due to the endothelium and hypertension in the alpha-adrenoreceptor-mediated responses of rat aorta.”
    J Auton Pharmacol 19(4) 219–28
    Abstract PubMed Link

  3. Guitart, M. Giraldo, J. Gonalons, E. Vila, E. Badia, A.
    “Adrenergic and purinergic components in bisected vas deferens from spontaneously hypertensive rats.”
    Br J Pharmacol 128(4) 873–80
    Abstract PubMed Link

  4. Giraldo, J.
    “A pH-dependent model of the activation mechanism of the histamine H2 receptor.”
    Biochem Pharmacol 58(2) 343–53
    Abstract PubMed Link