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  1. Pardo, L. Campillo, M. Bosch, D. Pastor, N. Weinstein, H.
    “Binding mechanisms of TATA box-binding proteins: DNA kinking is stabilized by specific hydrogen bonds.”
    Biophys J 78(4) 1988–96
    Abstract PDF PubMed Link

  2. Moron, JA. Campillo, M. Perez, V. Unzeta, M. Pardo, L.
    “Molecular determinants of MAO selectivity in a series of indolylmethylamine derivatives: biological activities, 3D-QSAR/CoMFA analysis, and computational simulation of ligand recognition.”
    J Med Chem 43(9) 1684–91
    Abstract PDF PubMed Link

  3. Rodriguez-Martos, A. Rubio, G. Auba, J. Santo-Domingo, J. Torralba, L. Campillo, M.
    “Readiness to change questionnaire: reliability study of its Spanish version.”
    Alcohol & Alcoholism 35(3) 270–5
    Abstract PDF PubMed Link

  4. Ballesteros, JA. Deupi, X. Olivella, M. Haaksma, EE. Pardo, L.
    “Serine and threonine residues bend alpha-helices in the chi(1) = g(-) conformation.”
    Biophys J 79(5) 2754–60
    Abstract PDF PubMed Link