GMOS Web Interface
GMOS Web Interface

GMoS Correlated GMoS         

Motif DRX at position '3.49' :

90-100% 70-90% 50-70% < 50% occurrence
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 GMOS> 894 classes loaded.
 GMOS> 1671 proteins loaded.
 GMOS> 1671 sequences loaded.
 Class A  Rhodopsin like (001) (66.79% matches) (1116 / 1671)
 Cannabinoid (001_008) (100.00% matches) (14 / 14)
 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (001_010) (100.00% matches) (15 / 15)
 Viral (001_013) (100.00% matches) (3 / 3)
 Amine (001_001) (99.39% matches) (325 / 327)
 Peptide (001_002) (85.54% matches) (568 / 664)
 Nucleotide-like (001_007) (71.84% matches) (74 / 103)
 Leukotriene B4 receptor (001_015) (57.14% matches) (4 / 7)
 (Rhod)opsin (001_004) (28.42% matches) (52 / 183)
 Class A Orphan/other (001_999) (24.17% matches) (51 / 211)
 Lysosphingolipid & LPA (EDG) (001_014) (13.89% matches) (5 / 36)
 Hormone protein (001_003) (3.23% matches) (1 / 31)
 Loaded proteins for this class: 1671.
 Loaded sequences for this class: 1671.

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