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- Navarro, G. Gómez-Autet, M. Morales, P. Rebassa, JB. Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Jagerovic, N. Pardo, L. Franco, R.
“Homodimerization of CB(2) cannabinoid receptor triggered by a bivalent ligand enhances cellular signaling.”
Pharmacol Res 208(0) 107363–
- Levinstein, MR. De, Oliveira, PA. Casajuana-Martin, N. Quiroz, C. Budinich, RC. Rais, R. Rea, W. Ventriglia, EN. Llopart, N. Casadó-Anguera, V. Moreno, E. Walther, D. Glatfelter, GC. Weinshenker, D. Zarate, CA, Jr Casadó, V
“Unique pharmacodynamic properties and low abuse liability of the µ-opioid receptor ligand (S)-methadone.”
Mol Psychiatry 29(3) 624–632
- Valle-León, M. Casajuana-Martin, N. Del, Torrent, CL. Argerich, J. Gómez-Acero, L. Sahlholm, K. Ferré, S. Pardo, L. Ciruela, F.
“Unique effect of clozapine on adenosine A(2A)-dopamine D(2) receptor heteromerization.”
Biomed Pharmacother 160(0) 114327–
- Billesbølle, CB. de, March, CA. van, der, Velden, WJC. Ma, N. Tewari, J. Del, Torrent, CL. Li, L. Faust, B. Vaidehi, N. Matsunami, H. Manglik, A.
“Structural basis of odorant recognition by a human odorant receptor.”
Nature 615(7953) 742–749
- Ferré, S. Pardo, L. Ciruela, F.
“Clues from a missense mutation of the adenosine A(1) receptor gene associated with early-onset Parkinson’s disease.”
Neural Regen Res 18(10) 2204–2205
- Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Raïch, I. Gonzalez, A. Casajuana-Martin, N. Lillo, J. Rebassa, JB. Ferreiro-Vera, C. Sánchez, de, Medina, V. Franco, R. Navarro, G. Pardo, L.
“The Leu/Val(6.51) Side Chain of Cannabinoid Receptors Regulates the Binding Mode of the Alkyl Chain of Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol.”
J Chem Inf Model 63(18) 5927–5935
- Pulido, D. Casadó-Anguera, V. Gómez-Autet, M. Llopart, N. Moreno, E. Casajuana-Martin, N. Ferré, S. Pardo, L. Casadó, V. Royo, M.
“Heterobivalent Ligand for the Adenosine A(2A)-Dopamine D(2) Receptor Heteromer.”
J Med Chem 65(1) 616–632
- De, Oliveira, PA. Moreno, E. Casajuana-Martin, N. Casadó-Anguera, V. Cai, NS. Camacho-Hernandez, GA. Zhu, H. Bonifazi, A. Hall, MD. Weinshenker, D. Newman, AH. Logothetis, DE. Casadó, V. Plant, LD. Pardo, L. Ferré, S.
“Preferential Gs protein coupling of the galanin Gal(1) receptor in the µ-opioid-Gal(1) receptor heterotetramer.”
Pharmacol Res 182(0) 106322–
- Moreno, E. Casajuana-Martin, N. Coyle, M. Campos, BC. Galaj, E. Del, Torrent, CL. Seyedian, A. Rea, W. Cai, NS. Bonifazi, A. Florán, B. Xi, ZX. Guitart, X. Casadó, V. Newman, AH. Bishop, C. Pardo, L. Ferré, S.
“Pharmacological targeting of G protein-coupled receptor heteromers.”
Pharmacol Res 185(0) 106476–
- Casajuana-Martin, N. Navarro, G. Gonzalez, A. Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Gómez-Autet, M. Quintana, García, A. Franco, R. Pardo, L.
“A Single Point Mutation Blocks the Entrance of Ligands to the Cannabinoid CB(2) Receptor via the Lipid Bilayer.”
J Chem Inf Model 62(22) 5771–5779
- Sarasola, LI. Del, Torrent, CL. Pérez-Arévalo, A. Argerich, J. Casajuana-Martín, N. Chevigné, A. Fernández-Dueñas, V. Ferré, S. Pardo, L. Ciruela, F.
“The ADORA1 mutation linked to early-onset Parkinson’s disease alters adenosine A(1)-A(2A) receptor heteromer formation and function.”
Biomed Pharmacother 156(0) 113896–
- Cierco, Jimenez, R. Lee, T. Rosillo, N. Cordova, R. Cree, IA. Gonzalez, A. Indave, Ruiz, BI.
“Machine learning computational tools to assist the performance of systematic reviews: A mapping review.”
BMC Med Res Methodol 22(1) 322–
- Gonzalez, A. Belmonte, I. Nuñez, A. Farago, G. Barrecheguren, M. Pons, M. Orriols, G. Gabriel-Medina, P. Rodríguez-Frías, F. Miravitlles, M. Esquinas, C.
“New variants of alpha-1-antitrypsin: structural simulations and clinical expression.”
Respir Res 23(1) 339–
- Ferré, S. Ciruela, F. Dessauer, CW. González-Maeso, J. Hébert, TE. Jockers, R. Logothetis, DE. Pardo, L.
“G protein-coupled receptor-effector macromolecular membrane assemblies (GEMMAs).”
Pharmacol Ther 231(0) 107977–
- Casanovas, M. Jiménez-Rosés, M. Cordomí, A. Lillo, A. Vega-Quiroga, I. Izquierdo, J. Medrano, M. Gysling, K. Pardo, L. Navarro, G. Franco, R.
“Discovery of a macromolecular complex mediating the hunger suppressive actions of cocaine: Structural and functional properties.”
Addict Biol 26(5) e13017–
- Franco, R. Cordomí, A. Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Lillo, A. Serrano-Marín, J. Navarro, G. Pardo, L.
“Structure and function of adenosine receptor heteromers.”
Cell Mol Life Sci 78(8) 3957–3968
- Jimenez, RC. Casajuana-Martin, N. García-Recio, A. Alcántara, L. Pardo, L. Campillo, M. Gonzalez, A.
“The mutational landscape of human olfactory G protein-coupled receptors.”
BMC Biol 19(1) 21–
- Santos-Gómez, A. Miguez-Cabello, F. García-Recio, A. Locubiche-Serra, S. García-Díaz, R. Soto-Insuga, V. Guerrero-López, R. Juliá-Palacios, N. Ciruela, F. García-Cazorla, À Soto, D. Olivella, M. Altafaj, X.
“Disease-associated GRIN protein truncating variants trigger NMDA receptor loss-of-function.”
Hum Mol Genet 29(24) 3859–3871
- García-Recio, A. Santos-Gómez, A. Soto, D. Julia-Palacios, N. García-Cazorla, À Altafaj, X. Olivella, M.
“GRIN database: A unified and manually curated repertoire of GRIN variants.”
Hum Mutat 42(1) 8–18
- Garcia-Recio, A. Gómez-Tamayo, JC. Reina, I. Campillo, M. Cordomí, A. Olivella, M.
“TMSNP: a web server to predict pathogenesis of missense mutations in the transmembrane region of membrane proteins.”
NAR Genom Bioinform 3(1) lqab00–
- Gallo, M. Moreno, E. Defaus, S. Ortega-Alvaro, A. Gonzalez, A. Robledo, P. Cavaco, M. Neves, V. Castanho, MARB. Casadó, V. Pardo, L. Maldonado, R. Andreu, D.
“Orally Active Peptide Vector Allows Using Cannabis to Fight Pain While Avoiding Side Effects.”
J Med Chem 64(10) 6937–6948
- Navarro, G. Gonzalez, A. Sánchez-Morales, A. Casajuana-Martin, N. Gómez-Ventura, M. Cordomí, A. Busqué, F. Alibés, R. Pardo, L. Franco, R.
“Design of Negative and Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Cannabinoid CB(2) Receptor Derived from the Natural Product Cannabidiol.”
J Med Chem 64(13) 9354–9364
- Ferre, S. Ciruela, F. Casado, V. Pardo, L.
“Oligomerization of G protein-coupled receptors: Still doubted?”
Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 169(0) 297–321
- Kofalvi, A. Moreno, E. Cordomi, A. Cai, NS. Fernandez-Duenas, V. Ferreira, SG. Guixa-Gonzalez, R. Sanchez-Soto, M. Yano, H. Casado-Anguera, V. Cunha, RA. Sebastiao, AM. Ciruela, F. Pardo, L. Casado, V. Ferre, S.
“Control of glutamate release by complexes of adenosine and cannabinoid receptors.”
BMC Biol 18(1) 9–
- Reubi, JC. Fourmy, D. Cordomi, A. Tikhonova, IG. Gigoux, V.
“GIP receptor: Expression in neuroendocrine tumours, internalization, signalling from endosomes and structure-function relationship studies.”
Peptides 125(0) 170229–
- Zachmann, J. Kritsi, E. Tapeinou, A. Zoumpoulakis, P. Tselios, T. Matsoukas, MT.
“Combined Computational and Structural Approach into Understanding the Role of Peptide Binding and Activation of Melanocortin Receptor 4.”
J Chem Inf Model 60(3) 1461–1468
- Gnad, T. Navarro, G. Lahesmaa, M. Reverte-Salisa, L. Copperi, F. Cordomi, A. Naumann, J. Hochhäuser, A. Haufs-Brusberg, S. Wenzel, D. Suhr, F. Jespersen, NZ. Scheele, C. Tsvilovskyy, V. Brinkmann, C. Rittweger, J. Dani, C.
“Adenosine/A2B Receptor Signaling Ameliorates the Effects of Aging and Counteracts Obesity.”
Cell Metab 32(1) 56–70.e7
- Rodríguez-Espigares, I. Torrens-Fontanals, M. Tiemann, JKS. Aranda-García, D. Ramírez-Anguita, JM. Stepniewski, TM. Worp, N. Varela-Rial, A. Morales-Pastor, A. Medel-Lacruz, B. Pándy-Szekeres, G. Mayol, E. Giorgino, T. Carlss
“GPCRmd uncovers the dynamics of the 3D-GPCRome.”
Nat Methods 17(8) 777–787
- García-Recio, A. Navarro, G. Franco, R. Olivella, M. Guixà-González, R. Cordomí, A.
“DIMERBOW: exploring possible GPCR dimer interfaces.”
Bioinformatics 36(10) 3271–3272
- Mayol, E. García-Recio, A. Tiemann, JKS. Hildebrand, PW. Guixà-González, R. Olivella, M. Cordomí, A.
“HomolWat: a web server tool to incorporate ‘homologous’ water molecules into GPCR structures.”
Nucleic Acids Res 48(0) W54–W59
- Pérez-Benito, L. Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Pardo, L. Tresadern, G.
“The computational modeling of allosteric modulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors.”
Adv Pharmacol 88(0) 1–33
- Navarro, G. Gonzalez, A. Campanacci, S. Rivas-Santisteban, R. Reyes-Resina, I. Casajuana-Martin, N. Cordomí, A. Pardo, L. Franco, R.
“Experimental and computational analysis of biased agonism on full-length and a C-terminally truncated adenosine A(2A) receptor.”
Comput Struct Biotechnol J 18(0) 2723–2732
- Guinart, D. Moreno, E. Galindo, L. Cuenca-Royo, A. Barrera-Conde, M. Pérez, EJ. Fernández-Avilés, C. Correll, CU. Canela, EI. Casadó, V. Cordomi, A. Pardo, L. de, la, Torre, R. Pérez, V. Robledo, P.
“Altered Signaling in CB1R-5-HT2AR Heteromers in Olfactory Neuroepithelium Cells of Schizophrenia Patients is Modulated by Cannabis Use.”
Schizophr Bull 46(6) 1547–1557
- Morales, P. Navarro, G. Gómez-Autet, M. Redondo, L. Fernández-Ruiz, J. Pérez-Benito, L. Cordomí, A. Pardo, L. Franco, R. Jagerovic, N.
“Discovery of Homobivalent Bitopic Ligands of the Cannabinoid CB(2) Receptor*.”
Chemistry 26(68) 15839–15842
- Aguinaga, D. Medrano, M. Cordomi, A. Jimenez-Roses, M. Angelats, E. Casanovas, M. Vega-Quiroga, I. Canela, EI. Petrovic, M. Gysling, K. Pardo, L. Franco, R. Navarro, G.
“Cocaine Blocks Effects of Hunger Hormone, Ghrelin, Via Interaction with Neuronal Sigma-1 Receptors.”
Mol Neurobiol 56(2) 1196–1210
- Perez-Benito, L. Casajuana-Martin, N. Jimenez-Roses, M. van, Vlijmen, H. Tresadern, G.
“Predicting Activity Cliffs with Free-Energy Perturbation.”
J Chem Theory Comput 15(3) 1884–1895
- Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Perez-Benito, L. Tresadern, G.
“Computational Drug Design Applied to the Study of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors.”
Molecules 24(6) 1098–
- Cid, JM. Lavreysen, H. Tresadern, G. Perez-Benito, L. Tovar, F. Fontana, A. Trabanco, AA.
“Computationally Guided Identification of Allosteric Agonists of the Metabotropic Glutamate 7 Receptor.”
ACS Chem Neurosci 10(3) 1043–1054
- Doornbos, MLJ. Wang, X. Vermond, SC. Peeters, L. Perez-Benito, L. Trabanco, AA. Lavreysen, H. Cid, JM. Heitman, LH. Tresadern, G. IJzerman, AP.
“Covalent Allosteric Probe for the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 2: Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Characterization.”
J Med Chem 62(1) 223–233
- Sanchez-Melgar, A. Albasanz, JL. Guixa-Gonzalez, R. Saleh, N. Selent, J. Martin, M.
“The antioxidant resveratrol acts as a non-selective adenosine receptor agonist.”
Free Radic Biol Med 135(0) 261–273
- Llinas, Del, Torrent, C. Casajuana-Martin, N. Pardo, L. Tresadern, G. Perez-Benito, L.
“Mechanisms Underlying Allosteric Molecular Switches of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5.”
J Chem Inf Model 59(5) 2456–2466
- Torrecillas, IR. Conde-Ceide, S. de, Lucas, AI. Garci, A, Molina, A. Trabanco, AA. Lavreysen, H. Pardo, L. Tresadern, G.
“Inhibition of the Alanine-Serine-Cysteine-1 Transporter by BMS-466442.”
ACS Chem Neurosci 10(5) 2510–2517
- Ghosh, E. Dwivedi, H. Baidya, M. Srivastava, A. Kumari, P. Stepniewski, T. Kim, HR. Lee, MH. van, Gastel, J. Chaturvedi, M. Roy, D. Pandey, S. Maharana, J. Guixa-Gonzalez, R. Luttrell, LM. Chung, KY. Dutta, S. Selent, J.
“Conformational Sensors and Domain Swapping Reveal Structural and Functional Differences between beta-Arrestin Isoforms.”
Cell Rep 28(13) 3287–3299.e
- Javanainen, M. Enkavi, G. Guixa-Gonzalez, R. Kulig, W. Martinez-Seara, H. Levental, I. Vattulainen, I.
“Reduced level of docosahexaenoic acid shifts GPCR neuroreceptors to less ordered membrane regions.”
PLoS Comput Biol 15(5) e10070–
- Srinivasan, S. Guixa-Gonzalez, R. Cordomi, A. Garriga, P.
“Ligand Binding Mechanisms in Human Cone Visual Pigments.”
Trends Biochem Sci 44(7) 629–639
- Marin-Ramos, NI. Balabasquer, M. Ortega-Nogales, FJ. Torrecillas, IR. Gil-Ordonez, A. Marcos-Ramiro, B. Aguilar-Garrido, P. Cushman, I. Romero, A. Medrano, FJ. Gajate, C. Mollinedo, F. Philips, MR. Campillo, M. Gallardo, M. M
“A Potent Isoprenylcysteine Carboxylmethyltransferase (ICMT) Inhibitor Improves Survival in Ras-Driven Acute Myeloid Leukemia.”
J Med Chem 62(13) 6035–6046
- Mayol, E. Campillo, M. Cordomi, A. Olivella, M.
“Inter-residue interactions in alpha-helical transmembrane proteins.”
Bioinformatics 35(15) 2578–2584
- Jimenez-Luna, J. Perez-Benito, L. Martinez-Rosell, G. Sciabola, S. Torella, R. Tresadern, G. De, Fabritiis, G.
“DeltaDelta neural networks for lead optimization of small molecule potency.”
Chem Sci 10(47) 10911–10918
- Izquierdo, C. Gomez-Tamayo, JC. Nebel, JC. Pardo, L. Gonzalez, A.
“Identifying human diamine sensors for death related putrescine and cadaverine molecules.”
PLoS Comput Biol 14(1) e10059–
- Navarro, G. Cordomi, A. Brugarolas, M. Moreno, E. Aguinaga, D. Perez-Benito, L. Ferre, S. Cortes, A. Casado, V. Mallol, J. Canela, EI. Lluis, C. Pardo, L. McCormick, PJ. Franco, R.
“Cross-communication between Gi and Gs in a G-protein-coupled receptor heterotetramer guided by a receptor C-terminal domain.”
BMC Biol 16(1) 24–
- Navarro, G. Cordomi, A. Casado-Anguera, V. Moreno, E. Cai, NS. Cortes, A. Canela, EI. Dessauer, CW. Casado, V. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Ferre, S.
“Evidence for functional pre-coupled complexes of receptor heteromers and adenylyl cyclase.”
Nat Commun 9(1) 1242–
- Srinivasan, S. Fernandez-Sampedro, MA. Morillo, M. Ramon, E. Jimenez-Roses, M. Cordomi, A. Garriga, P.
“Human Blue Cone Opsin Regeneration Involves Secondary Retinal Binding with Analog Specificity.”
Biophys J 114(6) 1285–1294
- Jimenez-Roses, M. Matsoukas, MT. Caltabiano, G. Cordomi, A.
“Ligand-Triggered Structural Changes in the M2 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor.”
J Chem Inf Model 58(5) 1074–1082
- Ferre, S. Bonaventura, J. Zhu, W. Hatcher-Solis, C. Taura, J. Quiroz, C. Cai, NS. Moreno, E. Casado-Anguera, V. Kravitz, AV. Thompson, KR. Tomasi, DG. Navarro, G. Cordomi, A. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Dessauer, CW. Volkow, ND.
“Essential Control of the Function of the Striatopallidal Neuron by Pre-coupled Complexes of Adenosine A2A-Dopamine D2 Receptor Heterotetramers and Adenylyl Cyclase.”
Front Pharmacol 9(0) 243–
- Pulido, D. Casado-Anguera, V. Perez-Benito, L. Moreno, E. Cordomi, A. Lopez, L. Cortes, A. Ferre, S. Pardo, L. Casado, V. Royo, M.
“Design of a True Bivalent Ligand with Picomolar Binding Affinity for a G Protein-Coupled Receptor Homodimer.”
J Med Chem 61(20) 9335–9346
- Perez-Benito, L. Henry, A. Matsoukas, MT. Lopez, L. Pulido, D. Royo, M. Cordomi, A. Tresadern, G. Pardo, L.
“The size matters? A computational tool to design bivalent ligands.”
Bioinformatics 34(22) 3857–3863
- Gomez, Tamayo, JC. Olivella, M. Rios, S. Hoogstraat, M. Gonzalez, A. Mayol, E. Deupi, X. Campillo, M. Cordomi, A.
“GPCR-SAS: A web application for statistical analyses on G protein-coupled receptors sequences.”
PLoS One 13(7) e01998–
- Gonzalez-Vera, JA. Medina, RA. Martin-Fontecha, M. Gonzalez, A. de, la, Fuente, T. Vazquez-Villa, H. Garcia-Carceles, J. Botta, J. McCormick, PJ. Benhamu, B. Pardo, L. Lopez-Rodriguez, ML.
“A new serotonin 5-HT6 receptor antagonist with procognitive activity – Importance of a halogen bond interaction to stabilize the binding.”
Sci Rep 7(0) 41293–
- Marin-Ramos, NI. Pinar, C. Vazquez-Villa, H. Martin-Fontecha, M. Gonzalez, A. Canales, A. Algar, S. Mayo, PP. Jimenez-Barbero, J. Gajate, C. Mollinedo, F. Pardo, L. Ortega-Gutierrez, S. Viso, A. Lopez-Rodriguez, ML.
“Development of a Nucleotide Exchange Inhibitor That Impairs Ras Oncogenic Signaling.”
Chemistry 23(7) 1676–1685
- Troupiotis-Tsailaki, A. Zachmann, J. Gonzalez-Gil, I. Gonzalez, A. Ortega-Gutierrez, S. Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Pardo, L. Govaerts, C.
“Ligand chain length drives activation of lipid G protein-coupled receptors.”
Sci Rep 7(1) 2020–
- Keranen, H. Perez-Benito, L. Ciordia, M. Delgado, F. Steinbrecher, TB. Oehlrich, D. van, Vlijmen, HW. Trabanco, AA. Tresadern, G.
“Acylguanidine Beta Secretase 1 Inhibitors: A Combined Experimental and Free Energy Perturbation Study.”
J Chem Theory Comput 13(3) 1439–1453
- Perez-Benito, L. Doornbos, MLJ. Cordomi, A. Peeters, L. Lavreysen, H. Pardo, L. Tresadern, G.
“Molecular Switches of Allosteric Modulation of the Metabotropic Glutamate 2 Receptor.”
Structure 25(7) 1153–1162
- Garcia, M. Gonzalez, de, Buitrago, J. Jimenez-Roses, M. Pardo, L. Hinkle, PM. Moreno, JC.
“Central hypothyroidism due to a TRHR mutation causing impaired ligand affinity and transactivation of Gq.”
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 102(7) 2433–2442
- Marsango, S. Caltabiano, G. Jimenez-Roses, M. Millan, MJ. Pediani, JD. Ward, RJ. Milligan, G.
“A Molecular Basis for Selective Antagonist Destabilization of Dopamine D3 Receptor Quaternary Organization.”
Sci Rep 7(1) 2134–
- Cordomi, A. Liapakis, G. Matsoukas, MT.
“Understanding Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptor (CRFR) Activation Using Structural Models.”
Curr Mol Pharmacol 10(4) 325–333
- Stanley, N. Pardo, L. Fabritiis, GD.
“The pathway of ligand entry from the membrane bilayer to a lipid G protein-coupled receptor.”
Sci Rep 6(0) 22639–
- Doornbos, ML. Perez-Benito, L. Tresadern, G. Mulder-Krieger, T. Biesmans, I. Trabanco, AA. Cid, JM. Lavreysen, H. IJzerman, AP. Heitman, LH.
“Molecular mechanism of positive allosteric modulation of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 by JNJ-46281222.”
Br J Pharmacol 173(3) 588–600
- Srinivasan, S. Cordomi, A. Ramon, E. Garriga, P.
“Beyond spectral tuning: human cone visual pigments adopt different transient conformations for chromophore regeneration.”
Cell Mol Life Sci 73(6) 1253–63
- Navarro, G. Cordomi, A. Zelman-Femiak, M. Brugarolas, M. Moreno, E. Aguinaga, D. Perez-Benito, L. Cortes, A. Casado, V. Mallol, J. Canela, EI. Lluis, C. Pardo, L. Garcia-Saez, AJ. McCormick, PJ. Franco, R.
“Quaternary structure of a G-protein-coupled receptor heterotetramer in complex with Gi and Gs.”
BMC Biol 14(1) 26–
- Gomez-Tamayo, JC. Cordomi, A. Olivella, M. Mayol, E. Fourmy, D. Pardo, L.
“Analysis of the interactions of sulfur-containing amino acids in membrane proteins.”
Protein Sci 25(8) 1517–24
- Cid, JM. Tresadern, G. Vega, JA. de, Lucas, AI. Del, Cerro, A. Matesanz, E. Linares, ML. Garcia, A. Iturrino, L. Perez-Benito, L. Macdonald, GJ. Oehlrich, D. Lavreysen, H. Peeters, L. Ceusters, M. Ahnaou, A. Drinkenburg, W.
“Discovery of 8-Trifluoromethyl-3-cyclopropylmethyl-7-[(4-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-1-piperazinyl)me thyl]-1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine (JNJ-46356479), a Selective and Orally Bioavailable mGlu2 Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulator (PAM).”
J Med Chem 59(18) 8495–507
- Ciordia, M. Perez-Benito, L. Delgado, F. Trabanco, AA. Tresadern, G.
“Application of Free Energy Perturbation for the Design of BACE1 Inhibitors.”
J Chem Inf Model 56(9) 1856–71
- Cordomi, A. Fourmy, D. Tikhonova, IG.
“Gut hormone GPCRs: structure, function, drug discovery.”
Curr Opin Pharmacol 31(0) 63–67
- Sposini, S. Caltabiano, G. Hanyaloglu, AC. Miele, R.
“Identification of transmembrane domains that regulate spatial arrangements and activity of prokineticin receptor 2 dimers.”
Mol Cell Endocrinol 399(0) 362–72
- Vinals, X. Moreno, E. Lanfumey, L. Cordomi, A. Pastor, A. de, La, Torre, R. Gasperini, P. Navarro, G. Howell, LA. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Canela, EI. McCormick, PJ. Maldonado, R. Robledo, P.
“Cognitive Impairment Induced by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol Occurs through Heteromers between Cannabinoid CB1 and Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptors.”
PLoS Biol 13(7) e10021–
- Rios, S. Fernandez, MF. Caltabiano, G. Campillo, M. Pardo, L. Gonzalez, A.
“GPCRtm: An amino acid substitution matrix for the transmembrane region of class A G Protein-Coupled Receptors.”
BMC Bioinformatics 16(0) 206–
- Matsoukas, MT. Aranguren-Ibanez, A. Lozano, T. Nunes, V. Lasarte, JJ. Pardo, L. Perez-Riba, M.
“Identification of small-molecule inhibitors of calcineurin-NFATc signaling that mimic the PxIxIT motif of calcineurin binding partners.”
Sci Signal 8(382) ra63–
- Cordomi, A. Ismail, S. Matsoukas, MT. Escrieut, C. Gherardi, MJ. Pardo, L. Fourmy, D.
“Functional elements of the gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor: Comparison between secretin- and rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors.”
Biochem Pharmacol 96(3) 237–46
- Molero, A. Vendrell, M. Bonaventura, J. Zachmann, J. Lopez, L. Pardo, L. Lluis, C. Cortes, A. Albericio, F. Casado, V. Royo, M.
“A solid-phase combinatorial approach for indoloquinolizidine-peptides with high affinity at D1 and D2 dopamine receptors.”
Eur J Med Chem 97(0) 173–80
- Masia-Balague, M. Izquierdo, I. Garrido, G. Cordomi, A. Perez-Benito, L. Miller, NL. Schlaepfer, DD. Gigoux, V. Aragay, AM.
“Gastrin-stimulated Galpha13 Activation of Rgnef Protein (ArhGEF28) in DLD-1 Colon Carcinoma Cells.”
J Biol Chem 290(24) 15197–209
- Marsango, S. Caltabiano, G. Pou, C. Varela, Liste, MJ. Milligan, G.
“Analysis of Human Dopamine D3 Receptor Quaternary Structure.”
J Biol Chem 290(24) 15146–62
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“Modulation of ligand selectivity associated with activation of the transmembrane region of the human follitropin receptor.”
Mol Endocrinol 18(8) 2061–73
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“Serotonin 5-HT7 Receptor Antagonists.”
Curr. Med. Chem. – Centr. Nerv. Syst. Agents 4(3) 203–214
- Deupi, X. Olivella, M. Govaerts, C. Ballesteros, JA. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Ser and Thr Residues Modulate the Conformation of Pro-Kinked Transmembrane alpha-Helices.”
Biophys J 86(1) 105–15
- Govaerts, C. Bondue, A. Springael, JY. Olivella, M. Deupi, X. Le, Poul, E. Wodak, SJ. Parmentier, M. Pardo, L. Blanpain, C.
“Activation of CCR5 by chemokines involves an aromatic cluster between transmembrane helices 2 and 3.”
J Biol Chem 278(3) 1892–903
- Smits, G. Campillo, M. Govaerts, C. Janssens, V. Richter, C. Vassart, G. Pardo, L. Costagliola, S.
“Glycoprotein hormone receptors: determinants in leucine-rich repeats responsible for ligand specificity.”
EMBO J 22(11) 2692–703
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Benhamu, B. Murcia, M. Alvaro, E. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Benzimidazole derivatives. 4. The recognition of the voluminous substituent attached to the basic amino group of 5-HT4 receptor antagonists.”
J Comput Aided Mol Des 17(8) 515–24
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Morcillo, MJ. Fernandez, E. Benhamu, B. Tejada, I. Ayala, D. Viso, A. Olivella, M. Pardo, L. Delgado, M. Manzanares, J. Fuentes, JA.
“Design and synthesis of S-(-)-2-[[4-(napht-1-yl)piperazin-1-yl]methyl]-1,4-dioxoperhydropyrrolo[1, 2-a]pyrazine (CSP-2503) using computational simulation. A 5-HT1A receptor agonist.”
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 13(8) 1429–32
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Porras, E. Morcillo, MJ. Benhamu, B. Soto, LJ. Lavandera, JL. Ramos, JA. Olivella, M. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Optimization of the pharmacophore model for 5-HT7R antagonism. Design and synthesis of new naphtholactam and naphthosultam derivatives.”
J Med Chem 46(26) 5638–50
- Bosch, D. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Binding of proteins to the minor groove of DNA: What are the structural and energetic determinants for kinking a basepair step?”
J Comput Chem 24(6) 682–91
- Pujol, A. Boiso, I. Benet, J. Veiga, A. Durban, M. Campillo, M. Egozcue, J. Navarro, J.
“Analysis of nine chromosome probes in first polar bodies and metaphase II oocytes for the detection of aneuploidies.”
Eur J Hum Genet 11(4) 325–36
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“Lysine 183 and glutamic acid 157 of the TSH receptor: two interacting residues with a key role in determining specificity toward TSH and human CG.”
Mol Endocrinol 16(4) 722–35
- Claeysen, S. Govaerts, C. Lefort, A. Van, Sande, J. Costagliola, S. Pardo, L. Vassart, G.
“A conserved Asn in TM7 of the thyrotropin receptor is a common requirement for activation by both mutations and its natural agonist.”
FEBS Lett 517(1) 195–200
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“5-HT(4) receptor antagonists: structure-affinity relationships and ligand-receptor interactions.”
Curr Top Med Chem 2(6) 625–41
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Murcia, M. Benhamu, B. Viso, A. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Benzimidazole derivatives. 3. 3D-QSAR/CoMFA model and computational simulation for the recognition of 5-HT(4) receptor antagonists.”
J Med Chem 45(22) 4806–15
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“Influence of the Environment in the Conformation of alpha-Helices Studied by Protein Database Search and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.”
Biophys J 82(6) 3207–13
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Vicente, B. Deupi, X. Barrondo, S. Olivella, M. Morcillo, MJ. Behamu, B. Ballesteros, JA. Salles, J. Pardo, L.
“Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 5-hydroxytryptamine(1A) receptor ligands to explore the three-dimensional structure of the receptor.”
Mol Pharmacol 62(1) 15–21
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“Changes in electrophysiological properties in the prostatic portion of vas deferens from spontaneously hypertensive rats.”
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 366(5) 425–30
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“Assessing the (a)symmetry of concentration-effect curves: empirical versus mechanistic models.”
Pharmacol Ther 95(1) 21–45
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“[An epidemiologic study of headache and its treatment in the general population of Catalonia].”
Rev Neurol 34(10) 901–8
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“Separation between the digestive and the respiratory lumina during the human embryonic period: morphometric study along the tracheo-oesophageal septum.”
J Anat 198(0) 117–24
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Murcia, M. Benhamu, B. Olivella, M. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“Computational model of the complex between GR113808 and the 5-HT4 receptor guided by site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure of rhodopsin.”
J Comput Aided Mol Des 15(11) 1025–33
- Govaerts, C. Blanpain, C. Deupi, X. Ballet, S. Ballesteros, JA. Wodak, SJ. Vassart, G. Pardo, L. Parmentier, M.
“The TXP motif in the second transmembrane helix of CCR5. A structural determinant of chemokine-induced activation.”
J Biol Chem 276(16) 13217–25
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Murcia, M. Benhamu, B. Viso, A. Campillo, M. Pardo, L.
“3-D-QSAR/CoMFA and recognition models of benzimidazole derivatives at the 5-HT(4) receptor.”
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 11(21) 2807–11
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“Study of the bioactive conformation of novel 5-HT4 receptor ligands: influence of an intramolecular hydrogen bond”
Tetrahedron 57(31) 6745–6749
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“A conserved Asn in transmembrane helix 7 is an on/off switch in the activation of the thyrotropin receptor.”
J Biol Chem 276(25) 22991–9
- Lopez-Rodriguez, ML. Morcillo, MJ. Fernandez, E. Rosado, ML. Pardo, L. Schaper, K.
“Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of a new model of arylpiperazines. Study of the 5-HT(1a)/alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor affinity by classical hansch analysis, artificial neural networks, and computational simulation of ligand recognition.”
J Med Chem 44(2) 198–207
- Bosch, D. Foloppe, N. Pastor, N. Pardo, L. Campillo, M.
“Calibrating nucleic acids torsional energetics in force-field: insights from model compounds”
J Mol Struct (THEOCHEM) 537(0) 283–305
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“Binding mechanisms of TATA box-binding proteins: DNA kinking is stabilized by specific hydrogen bonds.”
Biophys J 78(4) 1988–96
- Moron, JA. Campillo, M. Perez, V. Unzeta, M. Pardo, L.
“Molecular determinants of MAO selectivity in a series of indolylmethylamine derivatives: biological activities, 3D-QSAR/CoMFA analysis, and computational simulation of ligand recognition.”
J Med Chem 43(9) 1684–91
- Rodriguez-Martos, A. Rubio, G. Auba, J. Santo-Domingo, J. Torralba, L. Campillo, M.
“Readiness to change questionnaire: reliability study of its Spanish version.”
Alcohol & Alcoholism 35(3) 270–5
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“Serine and threonine residues bend alpha-helices in the chi(1) = g(-) conformation.”
Biophys J 79(5) 2754–60
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“An epidemiological comparison of pain complaints in the general population of Catalonia (Spain).”
Pain 83(1) 9–16
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“Modelling the changes due to the endothelium and hypertension in the alpha-adrenoreceptor-mediated responses of rat aorta.”
J Auton Pharmacol 19(4) 219–28
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“Adrenergic and purinergic components in bisected vas deferens from spontaneously hypertensive rats.”
Br J Pharmacol 128(4) 873–80
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“A pH-dependent model of the activation mechanism of the histamine H2 receptor.”
Biochem Pharmacol 58(2) 343–53
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“How the TATA box selects its protein partner.”
ACS Symposium Series 682(0) 329–345
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“Selective binding of the TATA box-binding protein to the TATA box-containing promoter: analysis of structural and energetic factors.”
Biophys J 75(5) 2411–21
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“Experimental and theoretical characterization of the high-affinity cation-binding site of the purple membrane.”
Biophys J 75(2) 777–84
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“Progressive DNA bending is made possible by gradual changes in the torsion angle of the glycosyl bond.”
Biophys J 74(5) 2191–8
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“The slope parameter and the receptor reserve.”
Trends Pharmacol Sci 19(11) 445–6
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“Conformational analysis of GpA and GpAp in aqueous solution by molecular dynamics and statistical methods.”
J Mol Biol 283(4) 863–82
- Jones, M. Abrahams, PH. Sanudo, JR. Campillo, M.
“Incidence and morphology of accessory heads of flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus (Gantzer’s muscles)”
J Anat 191(0) 451–5
- Pardo, L. Campillo, M. Giraldo, J.
“The effect of the molecular mechanism of G protein-coupled receptor activation on the process of signal transduction.”
Eur J Pharmacol 335(1) 73–87
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“On the structure and activity of membrane receptors: a computational simulation of ligand-triggered activation in a model 5HT1A receptor”
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 63(0) 767–780
- Pastor, N. Pardo, L. Weinstein, H.
“Does TATA matter? A structural exploration of the selectivity determinants in its complexes with TATA box-binding protein.”
Biophys J 73(2) 640–52
- Vivas, NM. Giraldo, J. Tabernero, A. Vila, E. Badia, A.
“Use of the operational model of agonism and [3H]prazosin binding to assess altered responsiveness of alpha1-adrenoceptors in the vas deferens of spontaneously hypertensive rat.”
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 356(3) 383–91
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“Alpha 1-adrenoceptor vasoconstriction in the tail artery during ageing.”
Br J Pharmacol 121(5) 1017–23
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“Effects of L-NG-nitro-arginine on noradrenaline induced contraction in the rat anococcygeus muscle.”
Br J Pharmacol 120(6) 1035–8